In Hinduism, the Shani Pradosh Vrat holds special significance, which falls on the Pradosh Vrat occurring on a Saturday. This vrat is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati, and Lord Shani. It is believed to bring happiness, prosperity, freedom from problems, and relief from suffering. On the day of Shani Pradosh Vrat, along with the worship of Lord Shiva, the vrat katha (story) is recited.
Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha:
Once, there was a poor Brahmin’s wife who was deeply troubled by poverty. She went to Sage Shandilya and said, “O great sage, I am suffering terribly. My two sons are in your refuge. My elder son’s name is Dharma, and he is a prince. My younger son’s name is Shuchivrat. We are poor, and only you can help us.” Sage Shandilya advised her to observe the Shani Pradosh Vrat. All three of them vowed to undertake the vrat together.
After some time, Shuchivrat found a golden pot filled with wealth near a pond. He brought it home, and his mother, upon seeing the wealth, praised Lord Shiva. She asked her sons to divide the wealth equally. However, the prince Dharma said, “This wealth has come by the grace of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. I cannot accept it.” He began engaging in the worship of Lord Shiva.
After a while, both brothers set out on a journey. During their travels, they came across celestial nymphs playing. Shuchivrat said, “Brother, we should not go further,” but the prince Dharma went alone to join the nymphs. One beautiful nymph, upon seeing the prince, was enchanted and said, “O prince, there is a lovely forest ahead; you should go and see its beauty.”
The prince and the nymph conversed, and the nymph placed a pearl necklace around the prince’s neck. The prince said, “I am poor and cannot accept this necklace.” The nymph replied, “I will do as I have said. Now you should return to your home.”
When the prince returned, he told Shuchivrat everything. On the third day, both brothers arrived at the place where the celestial king and his daughter had arrived. The celestial king said, “I went to Kailash, where Lord Shiva told me that Dharma Gupta, the prince who is now poor, is a devoted devotee. I will assist him.”
Afterward, the celestial king formally married the nymph to the prince. The prince received great wealth and the beautiful nymph. He defeated his enemies and began enjoying the prosperity of his kingdom. Thus, by the grace of Lord Shiva, he achieved success and abundance in life.