Paush Putrada Ekadashi is observed on the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase) of the Hindu month of Paush. In 2025, this auspicious day falls on Friday, January 10. Ekadashi vrat (fast) is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and holds special importance for Tulsi worship, as the Tulsi plant is considered a manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi.
It is believed that worshiping Tulsi on Ekadashi brings blessings from both Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. According to astrology, performing certain rituals with Tulsi on this day can invite prosperity, happiness, and financial well-being into one’s life.
Here are some Tulsi-related remedies for Paush Putrada Ekadashi:
Tie a Red Thread Around Tulsi
As per astrology, tying a red thread around the Tulsi plant on Ekadashi pleases Lord Vishnu and helps attract his blessings.
Offer Decorative Items to Tulsi
To seek the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, offer items of adornment to the Tulsi plant on Ekadashi.
Perform Abhishek with Tulsi and Cow’s Milk
For relief from financial troubles, take a ritual bath on Ekadashi and then worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. During the worship, perform an abhishek (ritual bathing) of Lord Vishnu with raw cow’s milk mixed with Tulsi leaves.
Offer Tulsi-Infused Prasad
To receive the grace of Goddess Lakshmi, present prasad made with Tulsi flowers and leaves to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.
Light Diyas Around Tulsi and Recite the Tulsi Chalisa
On Ekadashi, light 11, 21, or 51 lamps (diyas) around the Tulsi plant and recite the Tulsi Chalisa. It is believed that this practice removes obstacles in one’s career and ensures success.
Donate Tulsi Plants
Donating Tulsi plants on Ekadashi is believed to enhance wealth and abundance in the household.
Rules for Tulsi on Ekadashi
According to scriptures, Tulsi leaves should not be plucked on Sundays or Ekadashi. If you need to use Tulsi for rituals, make sure to pluck the leaves a day before Ekadashi.
By following these remedies and rituals, devotees can invite prosperity, happiness, and divine blessings into their lives on Paush Putrada Ekadashi.