World Health organization (WHO) defines good health as a sum total of physical health, mental health and spiritual health. Physical health and mental health are widely known to us, whereas spiritual health is a neglected aspect of human health. It is usually thought that spiritual aspects of human health was only confined to rishis and spiritual seekers but it is not so in reality.
Great spiritual masters from the past have opined that during the period of spiritual depression among people there may be an increase in sexual activities affecting the overall health status. Therefore, it is good to increase spiritual activities (not to be confused with religious activities) which are an integral part of maintaining good health for productivity, prosperity and peace.
We may understand health on the physical plane as the acknowledgement of physical sensation and workings of all organs and the system of the body. At the same time, health on the mental plane can be understood as mental perception-thought process and conscious of unconscious acknowledgement of your existence.
The health on the spiritual plane can be understood as one’s personal perception regarding existence of life after death. Theories regarding creation of all existing life believe in the single entity of God and the existence of collective consciousness.
Gemstones have fascinated mankind since pre-historic times not only for their intrinsic beauty but also for their miraculous hidden energy of the universe that has helped people towards spiritual awareness band realization. Our ancients found that certain gemstones when worn, brought peace of mind to the wearer and later they also realized that the magic of gemstones could enhance bodily healing also. So, they began to study and collect information on gemstones. However, unfortunately much of this valuable data has been lost in the past few centuries, as our attention had turned away from the spiritual aspects of life to more materialistic concerns.
Although many of the beneficial effects of gemstones are not directly explainable by our limited knowledge, however, we do know that all the gemstones are a storehouse of energies waiting to be explored. Of all the natural crystals, quartz is perhaps the master gemstone and it was one of the first crystals to be intensely studied for its spiritual properties. Almost all ancient societies used gemstones in some way or the other-either for healing or for spiritual enhancement. Even today we practice some of these ancient customs with evolved modern designs and settings.
To be continued…….