In relationships, nurturing them with love and respect is crucial. We all desire to receive love and respect in return. Some relationships provide a soothing shade, while others force us to stand tall under the scorching sun. Continually carrying such negative relationships can erode your well-being, much like a pest gnawing away at you. It is vital to distance yourself from these negative relationships to prevent their detrimental impact on your inner self.
Accepting the Truth According to psychologist Dr. Sameer Parekh, if you are tied to a negative relationship and want to free yourself from it, the first step is recognizing and accepting it. Some questions can help you with this struggle, such as: Are you involved with someone who constantly belittles you? After spending time with them, do you feel refreshed and joyful, or do you feel hollow inside? During moments spent with them, do you find yourself lost, with only their thoughts and beliefs mattering? Are you losing your self-esteem and confidence trying to maintain this relationship? If the answers are yes, then it is clear that you are carrying the burden of a negative relationship. The adverse effects of such relationships permeate every aspect of your life—your work, emotions, and health.
Happiness in No You don’t want any harsh steps to create further conflicts in this relationship. In an attempt to preserve the relationship, you often say ‘yes’ to everything, disregarding your own needs and feelings. However, this ‘yes’ becomes a bondage. The first step in setting boundaries in a negative relationship is to say ‘no’. By doing so, you can make it clear to the other person that you have your own independent existence and your self-respect is extremely important to you.
Create Mental Distance Maintaining distance from a burdensome relationship doesn’t necessarily mean creating conflict in the relationship. Avoid harboring negative thoughts about them behind their back. Doing so only shows that, although you have physically distanced yourself from a negative relationship, its effects are still emotionally tormenting you. This disrupts your mental peace. If a situation arises where discussing them is inevitable, respond positively by stating that you haven’t been in contact with them for a few days and wish them well wherever they are.
Give the Relationship a Chance Before detaching yourself from the suffocating impact of a negative relationship, give it a chance. Communicate openly and try to resolve the issues. You can even seek professional help in this regard. If it appears that the conversation yields no positive results, without resorting to arguments or harsh words, make the decision to exit the relationship.
Put Yourself First To receive love and respect from others, it is crucial to love and respect yourself first. A relationship that devalues you is not worth maintaining. Therefore, trust yourself in making such a decision and avoid any feelings of guilt or negativity about moving away from such relationships. No one can take advantage of you unless you give them more importance than yourself. It may be challenging initially to disconnect from such relationships, as you may feel selfish or harsh. However, taking such steps is essential for your emotional, physical, and overall personal growth.