This article is not about the professor to whom everyone is condemning but about the student.
While watching the video I found that the student who is giving back ferociously to the teacher did not hesitate in saying BEING A MUSLIM IN THIS COUNTRY….
This statement is coming from a student who is at Manipal University and lecturing the teacher in fluent English while sitting cozily on the chair cannot be from a poor economic background but his mind is programmed in such a way that he does not leave a single opportunity to malign the country that we think is his own.
Since he is programmed so let’s see what he would have been taught from his birth till now – every day, every hour, every second from Quran Chapter 6, verse 116 – ˹O Prophet!˺ If you were to obey most of those on earth, they would lead you away from Allah’s Way. They follow nothing but assumptions and do nothing but lie.
which simply means DO NOT FOLLOW THE MAJORITY
and Quran chapter 9, verse 123 – O you who believe! Fight against those unbelievers who are in your vicinity, and let them find in you sternness. Know that God is with the God-revering, pious who keep their duty to Him
and that is what the student was doing with sternness.
The student was following what is taught to him day in and day out !!
The professor immediately apologized but this student did not stop. He could have given it a pass as the professor told him that he was joking or would have continued bashing the professor but why did he say that Being a Muslim in this country….. What problem he is having in India being a Muslim ??
He had a problem with the professor so he could have continued that way but why did he bring whole country – you and me and 1.2 billion Indians – into this ??
Anyways, he was following what he is taught but lets have look at some news on Being a Muslim in this country:
- Among Muslims, who constitute the largest minority group in the country, 2.37 crore students got a government scholarship under the first Modi government. Under UPA-II, the figure stood at 2.33 crore. *Source: More Muslims got govt scholarships under Modi govt than during Congress-led UPA-2 (
- “During the UPA-II, the amount given to each student under the post-matric scheme was around Rs 23,500. Under the Modi government, it increased to around Rs 25,000-26,000,” said Aftab Fazil, coordinator at the Delhi-based Sir Syyed Educational and Social Welfare Society, which helps students access scholarship schemes.*Source: More Muslims got govt scholarships under Modi govt than during Congress-led UPA-2 (
- The Minority ministry’s budget in 2013-14 was Rs 3,511 crore, which went up to Rs 3,711 crore in 2014-15. For 2019-20, the budget is Rs 4,700 crore. .*Source: More Muslims got govt scholarships under Modi govt than during Congress-led UPA-2 (
- In this secular country, Muslims have had the option of resolving family and inheritance-related cases in officially recognized Islamic courts, known as dar-ul-qaza. These courts are overseen by religious magistrates known as qazi and operate under Shariah principles. *Source: Key findings about religion in India | Pew Research Center
- Some Muslims while returning home when wanted to offer Namaz and were stuck in a traffic jam were immediately given space in the Shiva temple in UP to pray. *Source Communal amity: ‘Namaz’ in UP temple | Deccan Herald
There are innumerable such examples where Muslims are not at all treated the way this student wanted to portray.
The professor would be suspended for sure but it’s high time that action should be taken against the student as well otherwise for every Nupur Sharma who is hiding somewhere for life there is Tasleem Rehmani who will come to the same show, the same channel unabashedly.