New Delhi: The year 2025 is set to be a landmark for the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), with several major missions planned. On Tuesday, Union Minister of Space Jitendra Singh announced that ISRO would launch six significant missions in the first half of the year. Key highlights include the Gaganyaan mission with the deployment of the humanoid robot ‘Vyommitra’ and the launch of the world’s most expensive satellite, NISAR, a joint effort between India and the USA.
Gaganyaan: Vyommitra’s Journey to Space
ISRO will kick off the year in January with the launch of its advanced navigation satellite, NVS-02, using the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV). This will mark ISRO’s 100th mission.
Following this, ISRO will send the humanoid robot ‘Vyommitra’ into space as part of its unmanned Gaganyaan mission. Designed specifically for this mission, Vyommitra will act as a precursor to the manned Gaganyaan mission, testing systems and procedures.
Minister Singh stated, “If the Vyommitra mission succeeds, it will pave the way for sending human astronauts into space. This will be a historic milestone for India’s space program.”
March Launch of the NISAR Satellite
In March, ISRO will launch the NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) satellite, a collaboration between India and the USA. Priced at ₹12,505 crores, it is the world’s most expensive satellite. NISAR will provide high-resolution data by scanning the Earth’s surface and ice caps every 12 days, making it an essential tool for studying climate change and environmental shifts.
India’s Rising Space Power
Minister Singh highlighted that ISRO has generated over $400 million in revenue from foreign satellite launches in the past decade. He emphasized India’s growing role in the global space industry, standing shoulder to shoulder with nations like the USA and the European Union.
ISRO Chairman S. Somanath also revealed that the organization plans to launch four GSLV rockets, three PSLVs, and one SSLV in 2025. In comparison, ISRO successfully completed 15 missions in 2024.
A New Chapter in Space Exploration
With its ambitious plans for 2025, ISRO is not only gearing up for a historic year but also solidifying India’s position as a global space leader. These missions will mark a new chapter in India’s journey in space exploration and technological innovation.