The period of Kharmas will begin on December 15, 2024, marking a halt to all auspicious events for a month. On this day, the Sun will transit into the Sagittarius zodiac sign (Dhanu Rashi) at 10:19 PM and remain there for 30 days. According to Pandit Sameer Kumar Mishra of the Jagannath Temple, the Kharmas period will last from December 15, 2024, to January 14, 2025. During this time, auspicious ceremonies like weddings, engagements, housewarming rituals, and mundan (first haircut ceremony) will not be performed.
Kharmas occurs when the Sun enters the Sagittarius or Pisces zodiac sign. This event takes place twice a year, each time for approximately one month.
Why Auspicious Events Are Avoided During Kharmas
Pandit Mishra explained that when the Sun resides in the house of Guru Brihaspati (Jupiter), its radiance diminishes. This also impacts Jupiter’s auspicious influence, reducing its effectiveness. Due to the combined effect of the Sun’s diminished energy and Jupiter’s weakened auspiciousness, ceremonies like weddings, engagements, mundan, and housewarming are avoided during Kharmas.
Kharmas: A Time for Charity and Devotion
While Kharmas is considered unsuitable for auspicious events, it is regarded as highly auspicious for spiritual and charitable activities. Worshipping Lord Surya (Sun) and Lord Vishnu during this period is believed to bring great blessings. Additionally, acts of charity and religious activities hold special significance during this time.
In the Sanatan Dharma tradition, Kharmas is an important period. Though ceremonies are not performed, this month is ideal for devotional activities, reciting holy scriptures, and taking holy dips in sacred rivers. Engaging in these spiritual practices during Kharmas is believed to bring immense merit and positivity.